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Market Garden 2017

Heroes 2/2

World war II veteran talking to soldiers

I attended the annual airborne remembrance service at the Oosterbeek War Cemetery. I was granted permission to take photo's during the service in the 'press area'. And made some very good shots of the brave men who, 73 years ago, took part in the greatest airborne operation the world ever witnessed. We were honoured to welcome them, their friends and families, and we will always remember them. Heroes forever. 


Yesterday, I've posted a first selection. Today a few photo's more. All these Airborne Commemoration photo's are available in Full Resolution as well... for free. If you're interested to receive by mail one or more of these photo's in HR, please use the contactpage.  

For a video impression,  watch my video of the 2016 commemoration on youtube

Veteran at Oosterbeek war cemetary 2017
Flowers for graves at Oosterbeek war cemetary
C-47 transportplane above Oosterbeek War Cemetary
Veteran at Oosterbeek war cemetary 2017, laying of th wreath
C-47 transportplane above Oosterbeek War Cemetary
Veteran at Oosterbeek war cemetary 2017, laying of th wreath

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